

Mug, sediment and dust within heating or cooling systems circuit in the system and may cause blockage in filter or pipes. In this case, problems such as circulation disorders, heating problems etc. may occur. Sediment and Dust Holders on the System separate mud, sediment and dust iin the fluid within the facility, and enable them to be removed by drainage. So, Sediment and Dust Holders prevent abrasion, failure of heating or circulation disorders, and allow a stabile-opearting system. Sediment and Dust Holders can use used in tank systems (cast steel tanks), cascade systems, air conditioning systems, cooling systems and floor heating systems. 

- Operating pressure 10 bar (Max.)

- Operating temperature 95 °C (Max.)
- Inner filter is stainless steel.
- Dyed with industrial epoxy against corrosion.
- Air purge valve is not available.